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Sunday, June 15, 2008

apologies apologies apologies

A thousand apologies. I failed to update the pictures as promised. I have to resize them and I am so ever lazy to. huhuhuhu.

On the new place

We're currently applying our loan for the house and we've applied to 2 banks, A*liance and C*MB. We're lucky that we applied early because they've cancelled all the mixed loans (fixed for first few years and then BLR-x% the whole tenure) after the harga minyak announcement. I guess they are expecting BLR to increase more. A*liance dah approve but we're still waiting for C*MB.


Asa has been working like crazy last week because ada ISO audit. Balik kul 4-5 pagi. Thank GOD it's over. Now he can help me with the loans.


Azalia loves to walk. Only one shoe fits now. And since it's sneakers, kaki cepat masam, so bought her a sandal.


Was thinking of printing her photos (Yes dah setahun, I never print her photos.. teruk kan) but this month got audit so tons of work to do. DAMMIT. When oh when will I ever get around to do that.Anyway, exams are over and I think I did ok.

The weekend

Went to MAPEX 2008 (Malaysian Property Exhibition 2008) today. KMYSIANs, guess who I bumped into!!! ABG HAMDAN and wife. hehehehehhe. anak dah duaaaaa.

Father's day
Very bad in giving surprises. Bought Asa a samsung t10 on friday during lunch time BUT only managed to kept it a secret for... 1 hour. Yes, I was too excited and called him and told him. bengongkan. So didn't wait for Sunday and gave it to him after work on Friday. kehkehkeh. :p

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