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Thursday, February 15, 2007

demam demam demam

It's my 3rd time demam within 2 months!!!!!!! My immune system is really on its low because how often can someone get the flu??? I feel like I need to take sometime off work but the Chinese New Year weekend is near and there's a long weekend to look forward to. I want to kumpul my cuti and use it when the baby comes.

We've received our confirmation on which departments we will be working in for almost the rest of ourlives??? let's hope not. Most of us got what we wanted, including me. There were a few surprises but nothing major... I think. One or two were upset but.......everything might be fine afterall.... let's wait and see...

ok... updates about Asa now. He's been quite busy this past few weeks with work and Magic. I finally got the name of his department correctly, It's International Network and Operation (Wow that took me 5 months to get it correct..hahahha). Give me more time to understand what he does ok. He's weight is.... not going down.. hehehe. His tummy is as big as mine now. He just got a haircut. He spends a lot of time with Zaaba and runs to his house whenever my cousins are at ours. (hmmmmm it's so fishy.. they are afterall from koleq.. hehehehe). I still don't understand their conversation on Magic. I had to explain to my relatives what Magic is because he has been missing/were late for a few family gatherings. I explained by describing Magic as a card game like pokemon but an adult version...( zaaba said that's so downgrading :p).

I guess that's it. Oh no.... both my nostrils are blocked...


SalamMedia said...
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SalamMedia said...

asahara - kenape laa ko main magic.

awanis - why not push asahara for futsal? we have it almost every weekend.

Anonymous said...

asa said dier kaki bangku hehe. u try ask him n see what he says.

SalamMedia said...

ramai je kaki bangku main.

but asa is a lunatic. running around the field, chasing after the ball, pastu hop over the ball.

asa a great defender. very determined tp malas nak strive je.