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Monday, July 28, 2008

Our weekend

My weekend with Azalia was filled with dramas. There were tears (in her part) and hair pulling (she started it) and major shouting( Ok this one I'm guilty). But those were the downs. The ups were Azalia being able to see Asa (through webcam) and she leaned to the screen and kiss her abah.(Kesian anak mak.. rindu abah ye) It was funny watching both of them trying to communicate while I intepret what Azalia says to Asa through the keyboards (can't find the mic). Azalia seems to listen more to Asa then me.

Anyway, Azalia refuses to sleep even when she's dead tired so after exhausting all alternatives I just resort to ignoring her. This lead to some really good acting in her part. There were the tears, the cries, the fake coughing (which later turned to real coughs which startled her and she stopped faking them), the pulling her hair and hands on cheeks... really good acting I tell you. But I managed to put a straight face,(dlm hati nak gelak gila), were firm and soon she sucks those fingers of her and buried her face in the pillow... after a while she's in dreamland.

She's also become quite attached to her blankie and wants to bring it everywhere. And ever since Asa's not around she sleeps holding her milk bottle. Gila kuat pegang. When I tried to pry it from her hand she suddenly squeels (tgh tido tu). So to avoid any milk spilling on my sheets, I quickly switched it with an empty one.

I also caught a flu and had some diarhea so I was feeling abit impatient when she starts acting out. So there was some shouting because I wanted her know I was angry(Those who know me knows how loud I normally speaks so the shouting is necessary to differentiate normal and angry.. hehehehe ) .She didn't want to eat and tepiskan the bowl of cornflakes I handed to her.. habis sepah.. Anyway, Azalia just puts a blank face when I'm angry and tries to pujuk me with her cheeky smiles but I was having none of that. So... after a few minutes... after I think she's learnt her lesson, I spoke to her again.

ps: tak jadi babysit my cousins. So it was just me and Azalia.(my parents were out on Saturyda but they did bring her out on Sunday and I had half a day on my own.)

pss: Asa looked so tembam in the webcam. Mcm blowfish.. heheheh



Anonymous said...

update la blog plzzz

Anonymous said...

da lame gle xupdet..