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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

susu ibu

After 8 months of expressed breastmilk(EBM), my breastmilk supply has taken a dip. Don't think it'll return to normal.Notice that I'm talking about EBM and not breastfeeding. This is because I've been giving Azalia EBM exclusively for 6 months( the last 2 months dah on solids dah..no more exclusive) and not breastfeeding her. She was taken off breastfeeding after just 1 week because she bites. She latched properly, positioned properly but that girl's gum is so strong I bled. I had a few lectures from my aunties about how I'm missing out on bonding sessions etc.. but I was only breastfed by mother for 2 weeks (yes people I bite too according to mom) and we're extremely close. So... I think it's better if Azalia have a mother who's happy then a mother who is always in pain and upset. But in order to increase my milk supply I pump religiously ( the first month it was every 2 hours and then 2nd month every 4 hrs once dah start keje boleh lah every 6hrs) and alhamdulillah the supply was good till about a few weeks ago. I blame work for that. Sometimes work just gets in the way and I missed a few sessions and apparently my milk glands belajar econs so...less demand equals less supply.

Tapi there is some good in giving her EBM. She's more familiar with the bottle and it helps a great deal when she's with her babysitter. I actually tried to breastfeed her again after my wound healed but she prefers the bottle anyway so takpelah... hehehehe. I'm still expressing even if it means just 12-16ozs a day. I think I'll keep at it until she's 1 year old and after that we'll see. A tip to get your baby get used to formula... give it to her while she's asleep because she's too sleepy to care. After you've done this a few times, she'll be familiar with the taste and will willingly take it when she's wide awake. So now, Azalia takes her breastmilk first... kalau dah habis, baru kasi formula.



Shu said...

ai awanis. Shu lan pun skang dah plan nak bagi EBM dalam botol. Sebab kelmarin Tisyia tak sihat, dia taknak langsung BM n breastfeeding. Mungkin ada shu makan tak kena. Lepastu, kami realise, kena ajar jugak Tisyia ni guna botol. Mmg sedih, tapi as long as dia ambik BM, takpe je kan? So skang dah nak kena ajar sket2 dah pakai botoi. Tisyia ok je BM ke formula, cuma hari tu kami kena pujuk baru dia minum botol. But yesterday dia dah mula breastfeed balik. Camnepun, dah nak start ajar minum EBM dlm botol...

Anonymous said...

hehe tak sedar pun shu dah komen kat sini. saya gi komen kat blog shu. anyway takpe kasi dlm botol asalkan BM. Dah dapat BM tu cukup bagus dah for her health and growth. Janganlah sedih sebab kadang2 tak dapat breastfeed. I believe that bonding with your baby bukan time breastfeed je. As long as you spend time with her dari kecik smpi besar dier akan kenal,sayang and rapat dgn mak dia.